Parental Alienation - Domestic Violence and Abuse

Urgent Change in Family Law

Parental Alienation - Simplify Family Law System on Parental Alienation

Need for immediate Paradigm Shift in Family Law Understanding and Treatment of Parental Alienation

The Family Court Syndicate

Anyone who is enduring the pathology of a parent using alienation tactics to abuse a child knows that the family legal system, with its judges, lawyers, mental health people, guardian ad litems and evaluators is an abusive farce. The system is designed to enable the financial sustainability of all those many people who are part of the family law circus. They play the game by falsely representing parental alienation child abuse as a "complex" problem that remains mysterious and only has useless recondite solutions that are virtually counter intuitive. It;s clearly all designed as a money making scheme sucking the life blood out of the victims, the tartget parent and a behaviorally confused child or teenager.

This has to end!

Validating evidence of parental alienation in the family law system has risen to an obscure artform. So many people who are allies with the Family Courts have maintained the myth of mystery such that the courts delegate away common sense solutions referring their decisions to billing hour whores, forensic psychologists, CPS, social workers all organized into a storm of confused activity to maintain the mystery and the myth under the false pretense of protecting, not the victims but the pathology that ensures their continued billings. If you think otherwise, just look at how they unilaterally protect their turf. Criticism of their bizarrely dysfunctional opinion union is met with a chorus of ad hominem attacks and vicious intolerance of any reasoned voice of dissent, especially when intuitive reasoning is applied.

Parental Alienation is neither complex nor difficult to confirm. Period!

The strategies to prevent or terminate victim abuse is also not hard to understand. But the courts act like their hands are tied in knots of bony desperation.

Any Dad or Mom who is suffering through the endless episodes of Court ordered abuse know that what is being represented about the family law syndicate is not an exaggeration, but a sad truth. The incompetence and refusal to understand and act on basic common sense is astonishing. While the games are played, the time passing further enmeshes your children into a vicious alliance and you suffer endless trauma.

The system is designed to deliberately enable and maintain criminally lunatic state of endless abuse.

Family Law Syndicate Abuse

What should we do?

Immediate and forceful Action is needed to discard the entire system of orders the family courts use in cases raise with clear suspicions of parental alienation child abuse and replace it with simple to understand, reasoned solutions that can be quick, efficient, reasonable and intuitive. There is no other way to state the urgency but to say that Time is not in the best interests of an abused child. It only compounds and festers destroying a family dynamic from the inside out.

Family Court Intervention Initiative

There are many groups advocating for change in the family courts. But on an honest review of those groups, many, if not most are still advocating a complicated time consuming and unaffordable approach. They seem tied to the clinical training of non-directive therapeutic methods and are not committed to meaningful change.

Think of a house on fire and a child sitting in danger on the porch. Current practice in mental health would engage the child in a discussion about the fire with an empathic voice to encourage a coping strategy as an adaptive response to the fire. The child remains the center of control and while the fire rages. And, if the child is a teenager, the courts full well knowing there is manipulative influence, defers to the dangerously lunatic belief that the child is old enough to speak for him or her self. To save the child requires calling the fire department and removing the child immediately from the danger.

How many of you have had this experience?

This is analogous to the circumstances of the current family court methods collaborating with mental health. It is like re-arranging the deck chairs while a ship is sinking.

The Hope in Darkness Family Court Intervention

Hope in Darkness will be forcefully active to bypass the gatekeepers and begin the process of engaging the Family Court Judges in a common sense solution based on validated experience of the 100‐year‐old science in the psychology of learning theory. The court will learn to view Parental Alienation with a much more straight forward and honest understanding that will be simple and lead to rapid solutions where the court delegates to a new team of experts in the field of behavior science. This will become the rescue team, acting decisively on observations that confirm cause and effect manipulative child abuse and inform the reasoned and common sense strategies for an immediate solution that will protect the children, interrupt the abuse and empower the target parent with the tools necessary to recover the authentic behavior and emotions of their kids. The children will get protection and the traumatized target parent, who is far better equipped than any therapist, will become the enabler of behavior change.

Wait for the Chorus of Anger

Expect hoots, howls and demonizing from the gravy train family law syndicate. Clinicians will act indignant and imperious, lawyers will be scornful and the guardians and forensic people will try to sabotage this paradigm shift.

But who are those among all these syndicate people that are most focused, informed and critically knowledgable about the truth of the child abusing system. Clearly Only the Target Parents are empowered with that capacity.

Instead of billing hours mounting to countless mountains of hard earned money, a shift in strategy will provide a simple to assess, affordable, rapid response removal of the cause of child abuse while empowering the best advocate for love, affection and restoration of the authentic personality of the child, the target parents. And, all the while assisted and coached by trained behavioral scientists. And, the learning theory strategy will endeavor to restore a health family dynamic offering services to the alienating parent as well.

Would any of the Target Parents reading this website want to continue with the complex nonsensical strategies that tread water while enabling further abuse to their children and themselves.



Hugs are the Goal

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